Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's Cookie A Mania in my life!!

My husband is a knitting widow. My kids are without a mother. I seem to be knitting Cookie A socks every waking moment. It started innocently enough. On a school snow day in February 2010, a friend brought her knitting over. "Knitting socks?" I asked curiously. I had knit baby socks back in the 90s, but never attempted adult socks. The shaping seemed like it needed to be perfect, and perfection is not my thing. I felt a rush. I can't describe it.

Looking back, I realize that that very day in February 2010 was the day my then dormant obsessive-sock-knitting gene was turned on. The obsession only grew. Soon, ribbed socks weren't good enough. I wanted some oomph and craved a challenge. I did the Primavera sock, which was sort of fun. On one fateful day, my friend Carol (the same one who was knitting the sock on the snow day) suggested I try the Monkey sock pattern by a designer who goes by the name "Cookie A." I was hooked. One Monkey pair, and then another. I bought Cookie's book Sock Innovation, and started to get knitting on Angee but found out that there were other obsessive Cookie A knitters.

So, I'm knitting my way through Cookie A's latest book Knit.Sock.Love. in a Ravelry knit-along.

In between scheduled knits, I'm doing socks from Sock Innovation. So far, I've done Cauchy, Angee, and am working on Glynis.

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